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IISER-KIndian Institute of Science Education & Research - Kolkata
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You searched IISERK - Title: Lyapunov theorems for operator algebras / Charles A. Akemann, Joel Anderson.
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1   Lp[superscript p] harmonic analysis on SL (2, R) / William H. Barker.
1   LT24
1   Lubrication and reliability handbook [electronic resource] / edited by M.J. Neale.
1   LuCaNT : LMFDB, computation, and number theory / John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, editors.
1   Lucid exposition of the middle way : the essential chapters from the Prasannapadā of Candrakīrti / translated from the Sanskrit by Mervyn Sprung, in collaboration with T. R. V. Murti and U.S. Vyas.
1   Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms / Carlo Cercignani, Roger Penrose
1   Luminescence and the solid state [electronic resource] / R.C. Ropp.
1   Luminescence [electronic resource] : Data Analysis and Modeling Using R / by Vasilis Pagonis.
1   Luminescence: from theory to applications/ edited by Cess Ronda
1   Luminescence of molecules and crystals / Mikhail D. Galanin ; [translated from the Slovak by V.E. Riecansky].

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